How Can You Study the Human Mind and Brain?
In this astonishing video from Josef Parvizi and Kalanit Grill-Spector at Stanford, you meet a man who has electrodes right on his face area (for medical reasons), and he tells us what he sees when that region of his brain is stimulated.
[Video has been updated from Spring 2019 class]
Dear Viewers of these Videos-
These lectures are from my undergrad course The Human Brain, currently being taught in the spring of 2018 at MIT. Lectures will be added as the course proceeds.
On June 19, 2019, Prof. Nancy Kanwisher gave a talk about a wide range of aspects of the human brain, how it works and how it is studied to a group of visiting summer research students.
Cognition can be studied in many different ways, including introspection, computational theory, measuring behavior, monitoring neural activity, and even disrupting neural activity.
This talk uses face perception as a case study to illustrate the power of low-tech behavioral methods; observations from reaction and time and accuracy in face perception tasks reveal “signatures” of face recognition (inversion effects, composite effects, part-whole effects) that yield fundamental insights about how we...
A simple but powerful method called "habituation of looking time" enables developmental psychologists to discover what a preverbal infant sees, understands, and expects
The bare basics on functional MRI, a noninvasive method for measuring neural activity in the human brain with (almost) millimeter resolution.
Measuring neural activity (with fMRI, MEG, ERPs, etc) cannot tell you which brain regions or neural responses are necessary for a given aspect of perception or cognition. To find out if a region is necessary, you have to mess with it. One method to do this in humans is transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS).