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Guest Lectures
Rebecca Saxe's TED talk: How we read each other's minds
Doris Tsao's Tedx Talk: You Look Familiar: Unearthing the Face Within
Evelina Fedorenko: Specialization for Language in the Human Brain
Wendy Chung's Ted Talk: Autism - what we know (and what we don't know yet)
Laura Schulz's Ted Talk: The surprisingly logical minds of babies
Winrich Freiwald: Taking Apart the Neural Circuits of Face Processing
Fei-Fei Li's Ted Talk: How we're teaching computers to understand pictures
All Topics
Lectures from Nancy’s New Course: The Human Brain
What Kinds of Minds and Brains Do We Have?
How Can You Study the Human Mind and Brain?
Face Perception
fMRI: Imaging of the Human Brain at Work
Guest Lectures